Practical Filmmaking with Shane Collins
Scholarships are available as part of Brunel University and Irish Film London’s commitment to ensuring access for all.
Scholarships are available as part of Brunel University and Irish Film London’s commitment to ensuring access for all.
Scholarships are available as part of Brunel University and Irish Film London’s commitment to ensuring access for all.
Course Content
More detail on what to expect in each week of this short course
Week One
Introduction and getting to know the kit.
What does a director do?
Basics of framing shots
Storytelling through direction.
Week Two
Begin Shooting
Technical aspects of your camera.
Practice filming and framing shots.
Chosen Stories presented to class.
Locations picked.
Cast and crew chosen.
Week Three
Producing On the Fly /Shooting Your Film
Film trailers of written stories.
Week Four
Editing / Shooting Pickups shots
Editing 101.
Introduction to Editing suites.
Week Five
Finish Editing /Critical Review
Final editing and delivery of your footage.
Final overview / career as a storyteller (commercial vs.. Artistic)
Promoting your stories. (Festivals vs. Online)
Showcase - A Screening of Your Finished Films.
Certificates given
Group photograph taken.