Town of Strangers
Dir: Treasa O’Brien
Ireland / 2018 / 82mins
Fri 13 Jan 18:20
They say there are only two stories worth telling: a person goes on a journey or a stranger comes to town. This film is about a stranger who comes to make a film in the small town of Gort in the West of Ireland, and the people she meets when she holds auditions.
Together, they go on a cinematic journey to explore their waking and dreaming lives. Featuring a cast of migrant workers, hippies, Travellers, blow-ins and newly arrived refugees, Town of Strangers ushers us into the private worlds of people living between two cultures, sharing their desires of longing and belonging.
Friday 13 January - the screening will be followed by a Q&A with director Treasa O'Brien, hosted by Head of Irish Film London, Gerry Maguire.